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This Season of Giving, gift knowledge and support your community.

Your donation to the Sun-Times supports Chicago's vibrant stories and helps fund news that informs and connects. From community dialogues, to sports and democracy, our stories bridge neighborhoods across the city. Join us in amplifying voices and connecting communities through representative news and storytelling.

This Season of Giving, gift knowledge and support your community.

  • {{terms[0].billingPlanTable[0].period === "year" ? "Annual" : terms[0].billingPlanTable[0].period === "month" ? "Monthly" : "One-Time"; }}

    {{ terms[0].chargeDisplayAmount.replace(".00", "") }}

  • {{ terms[1].billingPlanTable[0].period === "year" ? "Annual" : terms[1].billingPlanTable[0].period === "month" ? "Monthly" : "One-Time"; }}

    {{ terms[1].chargeDisplayAmount.replace(".00", "") }}

  • {{ terms[2].billingPlanTable[0].period === "year" ? "Annual" : terms[2].billingPlanTable[0].period === "month" ? "Monthly" : "One-Time"; }}

    {{ terms[2].chargeDisplayAmount.replace(".00", "") }}

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