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var track_count = 0; const checkTrackingParams = setInterval(function(){ try { if(typeof parent != "undefined" && parent != window) { if(typeof parent.postMessage != "undefined") { var message = {}; message["event"] = "piano_show_offer"; var terms = document.querySelectorAll(".tracking-config [data-term-id]"); var term_ids = []; for (var i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { term_ids.push(terms[i].dataset.termId); } message["piano_term_ids"] = term_ids; var tracking_config = document.querySelector(".tracking-config"); message["piano_experience_id"] = tracking_config.dataset.experienceId; message["piano_offer_id"] = tracking_config.dataset.offerId; message["piano_template_id"] = tracking_config.dataset.templateId; message["piano_template_variant_id"] = tracking_config.dataset.templateVariantId; if (message["piano_experience_id"] != "" && message["piano_offer_id"] != "") { parent.postMessage(message, "*"); clearInterval(checkTrackingParams); } } } } catch(err){}; track_count = track_count + 1; if (track_count > 10) { clearInterval(checkTrackingParams); } }, 200);