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Why is Lion’s Roar a non-profit media organization?

For a simple reason—supporting and communicating Buddhist teachings is not a profitable business venture!

Subscriptions, enrollments in online courses, purchases in our store—these are all important sources of revenue but the truth is that these are simply not enough. To continue publishing the dharma and supporting practitioners on the path, Lion’s Roar must also rely on the generosity of readers like you.

Of course, not all readers can afford to subscribe, much less donate to Lion’s Roar, which is why any contribution you can make is that much more important.

Lion’s Roar remains committed to supporting everyone on their path and we need your help to not only continue publishing our work, but to also offer scholarships and reduced-rate subscriptions to those who cannot otherwise afford it.

Every donation, large or small, is important to us and makes a difference. If our work has touched you or a loved one, please donate today.

Lion’s Roar is a registered charity in the US and Canada. All US and Canadian donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.