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$(() => { $("").click(); }) // This is a simple listener for clicking on the close button in the error message. $('#close-error-btn').click(function () { $('#error-message-wrapper').hide(); }); // This is the listener that will receive the post message from your front-end JS in case of an error. window.addEventListener("message", function (e) { // We verify that the error message is coming from Piano, so it must be what we're looking for. if (typeof != 'undefined') { // Get the object with the result. var result =; console.log('MESSAGE',; // We know how this object should be structured, so we're checking for the "success" field. // We're expecting it to be false, so we can show an error message. if (!result.success) { // Show the error block. $('#error-message-wrapper').show(); // Append the text message into the block. $('#error-message').text(result.message); } } return; }, false); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // START Template include script // Allot of this code is dealing with the fact that the page attributes are not ready until some arbitray time in the future // Version 1.1 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var retryCounter = 20; function loadTemplateIncludeScript() { var scriptSrc = document.getElementById('piano-glide-init').dataset.templateIncludeScript; if (!scriptSrc) { if (retryCounter > 0) { setTimeout(loadTemplateIncludeScript, 100); retryCounter--; } else { console.error('FAILED: Loading piano template include script no templateIncludeScript set'); } return; } var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute("src", scriptSrc); document.head.appendChild(script); } loadTemplateIncludeScript(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // END Template include script // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------