An error has occurred


var scriptPath = ""; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.onload = function(e) { function runPiano() { var config = { type: 'anchor', };; } window.Advance.piano.start(runPiano); } script.type = "text/javascript"; script.async = true; script.src = scriptPath; document.head.appendChild(script);

var subPromo = document.getElementsByClassName('anchor-modal')[0]; var header = document.getElementsByClassName('anchor-modal__header')[0]; var wrapper = document.getElementsByClassName('anchor-modal__wrapper')[0]; var maxminButtonHeader = document.querySelector('.anchor-modal__header .anchor-modal__maxmin-button'); var maxminButtonFooter = document.querySelector('.anchor-modal__wrapper .anchor-modal__maxmin-button'); var maxminMessageHeader = document.querySelector('.anchor-modal__header .anchor-modal__maxmin-button span'); var maxminMessageFooter = document.querySelector('.anchor-modal__wrapper .anchor-modal__maxmin-button span'); var maxminButtonHeaderImage = document.querySelector('.anchor-modal__header .anchor-modal__maxmin-image'); var maxminButtonFooterImage = document.querySelector('.anchor-modal__wrapper .anchor-modal__maxmin-image'); var initialLoad = true; function maxmin(cookieMinimized, clickEvent) { var minimized = subPromo.getAttribute('data-minimized'); function minimizeModal() { subPromo.setAttribute('data-minimized', 'true'); maxminMessageFooter.textContent = 'Expand'; maxminMessageHeader.textContent = 'Expand'; header.className = 'anchor-modal__header'; wrapper.className = 'anchor-modal__wrapper anchor-modal__wrapper--hidden'; subPromo.className = 'anchor-modal anchor-modal--pennlive'; window.parent.postMessage('anchorModalMinimized', ''); setTimeout(function() { maxminButtonHeaderImage.className = 'anchor-modal__maxmin-image anchor-modal__maxmin-image--maximize'; maxminButtonFooterImage.className = 'anchor-modal__maxmin-image anchor-modal__maxmin-image--maximize'; }, 1); } function maximizeModal() { subPromo.setAttribute('data-minimized', 'false'); maxminMessageFooter.textContent = 'Collapse'; maxminMessageHeader.textContent = 'Collapse'; header.className = 'anchor-modal__header anchor-modal__header--hidden'; wrapper.className = 'anchor-modal__wrapper'; subPromo.className = 'anchor-modal anchor-modal--pennlive'; window.parent.postMessage('anchorModalMaximized', ''); setTimeout(function() { maxminButtonHeaderImage.className = 'anchor-modal__maxmin-image'; maxminButtonFooterImage.className = 'anchor-modal__maxmin-image'; }, 1); } // To mitigate the Safari jarring, set the initial height to 0 then to auto document.getElementById('template-container').style.height = "auto"; // If there is an A/B test if (initialLoad && 'min') { 'min' === 'min' && minimizeModal(); 'min' === 'max' && maximizeModal(); initialLoad = false; // If there is a cookie } else if (!'min'.match(/max|min/) && typeof cookieMinimized === 'string' && cookieMinimized.match(/true|false/)) { cookieMinimized === 'true' && minimizeModal(); cookieMinimized === 'false' && maximizeModal(); // Default state } else if (clickEvent) { minimized === 'false' && minimizeModal(); minimized === 'true' && maximizeModal(); } } // If we are running an A/B test if ('min'.match(/max|min/)) { maxmin(); } // Click events for collapsing and expanding the modal maxminButtonHeader.addEventListener('click', function() { maxmin(false, true); }); maxminButtonFooter.addEventListener('click', function() { maxmin(false, true); }); // Listening to see if cookie is set for initial state of the modal window.addEventListener('message', function (e) { // We verify that the message is coming from Piano, so it must be what we're looking for. if (typeof !== 'undefined') { // Get the object with the result. var result =; // We know how this object should be structured, so we're checking for the "success" field. // We're expecting it to be false, so we can show an error message. if (result.object.minimized) { maxmin(result.object.minimized, false); } } return; }, false);