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“I rely so much on your news now. Being new to the country and without the language, I feel very isolated and if it wasn’t for The Local and your articles, I am not sure how I would survive!” – A. Artunduaga

The Local began in 2004 as a newsletter sent to just 12 people in an language class who wanted to keep up to date with the local news.

Fast forward 15 years and now The Local has websites covering nine countries around Europe.

Our goal is to explain and accurately represent each country to our readers around the world.

We write for an international audience, for whom borders are not barriers but just something to cross to find work, love or a new life.

For our global readers, new cultures and languages are not obstacles but keys to open new doors.

As internet giants gobble up ad revenue, the financial support we receive from Members is crucial to our present and our future.

Our Members' contributions directly boost our coverage in each country and Membership costs less than 15¢ per day.

Thanks for your support.

“I rely so much on your news now. Being new to the country and without the language, I feel very isolated and if it wasn’t for The Local and your articles, I am not sure how I would survive!” – A. Artunduaga